The Pungo Lake area of Pocosin NWR is a magnet for Snow Geese and Tundra Swan who flock to the area in the thousands to spend the winter in the warmer waters of the North Carolina Inner banks, at least warmer than their breeding grounds in the Tundras of Alaska and Canada. They travel in large noisy flocks numbering in the tens of thousands and are truly one of the greatest migration spectacles easily viewed in the United States. And this year the Snow Geese and Tundra Swan were joined by 7 Sandhill Cranes in and around the Pungo Lake area of Pocosin.

Snow Geese Swarm the Grain Fields |

Pungo Lake Impoundments |
Tundra Swan flight to Grain Fields
Tundra Swan disappears into Fog |
Sandhill Cranes join the Snow Geese and Tundra Swan